Letterboxing by MandM
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Giuffrida Park / Lamentation Mountain

Directions:            http://www.ctparks.net/meriden/giuffrida/
To get to Giuffrida Park, travel along I-91 either North or South. Take Exit
20 and proceed West (left off exit from North or left then right from South)
At this point you will be on Country Club Road. You will drive under a quarry
conveyor and approx. 1/2 mile after that there will be an entrance to the
park on your right just at the top of a short steep incline and at a sharp
left bend in the road. Park in a designated space.

Black Dog Letterbox - (about 1 hour hike)
Park in lot and with car facing the mountain or with the blue house to your right walk to the Giuffrida Park Map to your left.  Walk past the map and onto the trail behind it
             (you'll see a sign on a tree that says
              "DOGS are not allowed in the  water)
Walk along this trail (it goes along the edge of the pond to the right) for about 10-15 min. and it will curve away from the water and meet another trail at sort of a T-intersection.  When you come to this intersection take a right and continue on trail for about 2-5 min. 
Here there will be a fork in the trail.  One trail will be going up on the left and one will be going down on the right.  Take the trail that is going down on the right.  Walk along trail for another 2-5 min. and you will see small bridge on the right. 
DO NOT take the bridge, keep walking along trail past it.  Another 2-5 min. you'll see another larger bridge with a railing.  You cross this bridge and continue on the blue trail to the right after you get off the bridge. 
It gets steep here.  Walk along trail up the hill for a bout 10-15 min. and when it levels out you will pretty much be on top of the mountain where you will come to a ledge over looking the pond.  There are wonderful views up here.  After you've caught your breath continue along blue trail for about 5-10 min. and you will come to another ledge over looking the lake. 
Facing the ledge toward the water you'll see a big white building in the distance.  Face that building and then turn around 180 degrees so your back is facing it now.  Now you should see a group of rocks about waist high or belly button high that are close together so they form  tight crevises between eachother.  Walk to thoes rocks and inside one of these crevises you'll find the BLACK DOG letterbox.  Hurray!

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